Chen Min was born in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province in December 1966. Master Degree, Doctor of Science (Condensed Matter Physics, Sun Yat-sen University), Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Member of the Communist Party of China, National Model of Teacher Ethics, National Ten Thousand Talents Program Teaching Master. He used to be the Director of the Department of Educational Affairs of Sun Yat-sen University, the Executive Dean of Yanxian College, and the Director of the National Monitoring Data Center of Higher Education Quality. He was appointed Vice President and Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Shantou University in January 2019.
At present, he is also the secretary general of the Physics Specialty Teaching Instructive Committee of the Ministry of Education, the member of the Higher Education Informatization and Teaching Method Innovation Instructive Committee of the Ministry of Education, and the chairman member of the Physics Specialty Teaching Instructive Committee of Guangdong Province. Tenth National Superintendent of Schools.