
About Esther Hall

About Esther Hall

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Shantou University (STU), founded in 1981 with the approval of the National State Council, is a comprehensive university under the jurisdiction of the Guangdong Province and co-developed by the Ministry of Education, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Li Ka Shing Foundation. STU is the only public university in the world that is constantly subsidized by a private foundation, namely the Li Ka Shing Foundation.

In 2008,by referencing and borrowing advanced educational concepts and experience from the world’s top universities, STU pioneered the adoption of undergraduate residential college system in China.The residential college system offers students a multifunctional educational community, incorporating “ideological education, action guide, living service and recreational activities.” There are so far eight regular residential colleges and one special Esther Hall - a women’s college that primarily organizes periodic training and devotes itself to boosting women’s confidence.

Esther Hall, whose name comes from the first women’s school in Shantou more than 200 years ago, was established in June 2018. Adhering to the motto of “to lead and to serve”, Esther Hall proceeds with the operation of a project management model and as such, it aims to build and enhance female students' self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance,self-improvement and female leadership, and to develop their global vision,creativity and high sense of social responsibility. Esther Hall has committed itself to creating both a favourable and elegant learning-living environment to empower female students with self-confidence,open-mindedness, activeness and comprehensive development.

1. Our Motto: To lead and to serve.

2. Our Purpose: Knowing yourself to lead personal growth; Knowing the world to serve the society.

3. Our Mission: Empowering female to adapt the continually changing and evolving world.

4. Our Vision: Be a domestic leading and world-renowned women’s college that nurtures outstanding female talents with vision, wisdom, commitment and accomplishment, and advances gender equality.

Esther Hall
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