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Review | Getting to Know Study Abroad, Learning from Decision-making and Reflection

Sources of information: Release date:2022-12-20 Number of readings:times

On 29 November, Professor Lai Chung-ping, a Ph.D. graduate of Oxford University, was invited by Esther Hall to hold a lecture on overseas studying planning at the Waterside Bookstore on the first floor. He shared related information about studying abroad and provided guidance on academic and career planning. Prof. Lai has been awarded the Clarendon Scholar for Oxford University, Humboldt Fellow in Germany. He has been recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award in Top 2% Scientists Worldwide 2022 by Stanford University, and The Most Influential Top 2% Scientists Worldwide (the top 0.5%) in two straight years from 2021 to 2022.


The attendees acquired knowledge in overseas study planning and gained strength from the lecture. Besides, the lecture lifted them out of confusion and doubt, bringing students with mutual encouragement.


  Now let’s review this lecture that exchanges ideas and insights.

01 Overseas Study · Share and Exchange

Pioneers Developing A New Style, and Explorers Scaling New Heights



Prof. Lai Zhongping


Professor Lai Zhongping shared the features of the top universities abroad, the requirements of the universities abroad, the importance of choosing tutors, the ways to improve capabilities for academic and scientific research, and the importance of cross-cultural communication ability.


Attendees were all impressed by Prof. Lai Zhongpings capability for academic and scientific research. His enthusiastic speech motivated students present to boost confidence and encouraged late-comers to engage in academic communication and blaze with their sparkles.


02 Overseas Study · Explore and Develop

The ultimate meaning of life is to explore the unknown



Immersed Event Attendees


How did Professor Lai Zhongping become one of the worlds top scientists? What kinds of stories and experiences did his students have? Prof. Lai Zhongping patiently led us to explore exciting stories of role models by using humorous and simple words.


His students two doctoral dissertations were named outstanding dissertations by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In addition, his students have been granted the Humboldt Research Fellowship, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, UK Research and Innovation Scholarship, and full scholarships from Purdue University.


During the lecture, Prof. Lai Zhongping also instructed several tips on overseas study planning!


Tips on Overseas Study Planning:

1) Raising your standards, spending your time in things that are beneficial for your growth, and cultivating the habit of life-long learning. Treating some popular contests with caution, because they might be alternative oral exam that are looking for model answers.


2) When applying for a scholarship, you dont have to follow the exact criteria. The school report that is most valued by Chinese students is not the only yardstick. Universities abroad emphasize more on individual comprehensive quality and personality. Those who apply for the scholarship according to the school’s criteria will mostly be eliminated. Most of these criteria are designed to weed applicants out and wince most applicants. There are other admission criteria, which as students excellence. The key to winning a scholarship is to understand the excellence defined by the top universities and have yourself up to the definition. Avoiding setting down for mediocrity gradually in the pursuit of excellence. Sadly some students who dont understand the true meaning of “excellence” would end up like that.


3) Choosing an excellent tutor is of importance. If you have decided to study abroad, then choose a tutor with an international vision while studying at home. An excellent mentor will appreciate and encourage your dreams and have extensive connections and resources. An excellent mentor will be happy to be your paving stone. While continuously communicating with your tutor, you can improve your academic ability and interpersonal skills. Mentoring system remains the best way to academic inheritance, especially at the world’s top universities.


4) Cross-cultural communication is of great help to improve peoples thinking abilities. Live and enjoy studying at this stage. Studying abroad is just to overgild your degree. You need to how to “have fun”, and you can have much fun” at the top universities. While studying and living in different places, you are actually enjoying the opportunities to learn the social diversity and to improve yourself by knowing the ever-changing and developing world.



03 Overseas Study · Impart Professional Knowledge and Resolve Doubts

In ancient times those who wanted to learn would seek out a teacher, one who could propagate the doctrine, impart professional knowledge, and resolve doubts.



Interactive Session


After the lecture, the students had an extended discussion and reflection on the content shared by Prof. Lai Zhongping. Prof. Lai Zhongping encouraged questions and answered accordingly.


Interactive Session Q&A:

Q1: How to become better? Do you run into the bottleneck during study and feel stress out?


A: Time is equal for everyone because we all have an equal 24 hours. This means that we have to think about how to maximize time utilization since the resources are limited. We will definitely face obstacles and stresses in many things. What we need to do is to enjoy the journey rather than entangle ourselves in the results. If you are in a bad mood, go for a run or take a good sleep, and regulate your state.


Q2: You see things in a very unique perspective. How do you develop your perspectives to see things and raise questions? How can you improve yourself when you have less excellent people around you?


A: Reading books and beginning to think about things. Widening the time dimension would improve your cognitive ability. Besides, learning how to communicate and get along with people whose perspectives are different from your own. A gentleman gets along with others but does not necessarily agree with them. The ways to behave and to act can be separated. To be specific, you can behave with modesty and caution, while showing your ability to the full extent. This is especially useful while working with excellent people since this is more favorable to solve problems and saving time. Steve Jobs and Elon Musk are typical examples. Excellent people have often proved low emotional intelligence, but actually, they have gone beyond the regular definition of emotional intelligence. Excellent people would think about questions from the perspectives of solving problems, improving cognition, saving time, and allowing each other to evolve.




What a wonderful lecture! I have a new understanding of overseas study after listening sharing from the professor. Before making a clearer plan for our study career, we have to keep our feet on the ground and study hard.

- 2019 Statistics, Tang Yuhan


I understand what we need to consider and prepare for overseas study. I realize I should cherish time and spend time in my interested fields and questions. Dare to dream and have the courage to achieve it.

- 2020 Clinical Medicine, Peng Xinyuan


Prof. Lai's lecture changed my original understanding and cleared up my misunderstanding. At the start, I thought looking for a university is important, then I realize choosing an excellent tutor is also of significance. It was a productive lecture.

- 2021 Finance, Li Jiayun


As the evening wore on, the curtain descends on the lecture about overseas study planning. Students who are not available for the lecture this time dont have to be upset. Esther Hall will organize more interesting and meaningful sharing sessions next. Looking forward to seeing you again!




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