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Review | The 22nd Training Program on “SHE · POWER” - Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities

Sources of information:淑德女子书院 Release date:2021-11-12 Number of readings:times

If you are ready to embrace your unlimited possibilities, you might discover a whole new side of yourself, and even ordinary people without natural flair can blaze a trail. The 22nd training program on “SHE · POWER” - Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities organized by Esther Hall has received positive responses from faculty and students since its launch. The participants consistently reinvented themselves, exploring and finding their potential and possibilities. We’ll see some of the splendid “unlimited” moments below. 

Daily Attendance of 15-day Exercise Program

Keep Exercising

Esther Hall has organized a 15-day Exercise Program, which lasts from September 19th to October 6th, to encourage students to actively take regular exercise and enhance physical fitness. The program has included 100 students who are required to maintain 100% daily attendance in fifteen days. Those who could see it through would win tickets to other programs later, including skiing, camping and go-karting.

Students would take photos of exercising and record their workout time, then have them posted on the WeChat mini program. This is the way where students align well with each other and keep each other going.


Many students get to know each other and become friends because of this program!


 Camping at Phoenix Mountain

Climbing the mountain, watching the starry sky


Esther Hall and Snow Leopard Outdoor Association co-organized a camping trip to Phoenix Mountain in Chaozhou from October 10th to 11th.


All the female students who participated in the trip ventured outside of their comfort zone and challenged their own limits, vying with the mountain for their own statures. They ultimately reached the top, appreciating the wonderful view of magnificent landscapes and starry sky.


Phoenix Mountain in Chaozhou is at an elevation of 1,325 meters. The road toward the mountain top is steep and precipitous, while the temperature is constantly changing at the peak. Can they resolve any challenges they might face? The girls answer that question with a resounding yes.


The girls sweat profusely in the sun, but refuse to give up because of exhaustion and bravely stand up after slip and fall. They help and encourage each other to exceed themselves, thus ultimately reaching the peak, and experiencing what the poem says Try to ascend the mountains crest: It dwarfs all peaks under our feet. 


Workshop on Public Speaking

Dare to Express


Esther Hall has consummated two training camps on public speaking in the multi-function hall from October 16th to 17th. Li Zhipeng, Li Hao and Chen Di, who are instructors of the training camps, share quite a lot of real stuff. Under their guidance, students learned how to relieve tension while delivering a public speech and three basic logical frameworks of public speaking, and practiced the skills to express viewpoints on public speaking. Practically, the teachers also help students to understand the body language of public speaking to largely achieve the goal of delivering high-quality speech.

(Group photo)


Showing your unique personality through continual expression and delivering the force therein to the outside world. Unencumbered by the conventional opinion about the rightness or wrongness of public speaking, those who have faith in themselves and dare to express will have nothing to be regreful about.

I got tremendous values today, but the most impressive inspiration is the concept of begin with the end of mind - taking the goal for your speech as the starting point, and keep polishing the speech.

—— Zhang Lexia




Building a Crew of Stunt Driver


On October 22nd, the program of Experimental Kart Racing Competition" was held in Shantou Green Page Kart Hall.


The program aims to improve students sports competitiveness and teamwork awareness through competitive sports. The competition begins after finalizing the process of on-site check-in, pre-match preparation and pre-match meeting. Itis divided into two parts: group stage and quarter-finals.


Passion, speed, cooperation


Group stage: Selecting the personal best lap time. In this battle of self-challenging, participants keep their resolve to break the barrier and go beyond themselves, constantly surpassing personal racing records in each lap.


Quarter-finals: The top eight drivers will be on starting grid, and the one who first crosses the finishing line after 9 laps of racing will win. The situation in the field is unpredictable. Some crash out of the competition, while some catch up from behind. No one can predict who is going to be the champion until the last moment. The same goes for your life. As long as you hold on and try hard, you might be the next champion.


After finishing the preliminary competition, my fellows and friends all rush to check my result. I received several compliments on the fast racing speed. All of a sudden, I feel that it doesnt matter who will win the competition. What really matters is the attachment among people.

—— PangJing



Skiing in the Guangzhou Sunac Snow Park & Visiting the Guangdong Provincial Museum

Conquer Your Fear and Go Beyong the Comfort Zone


On October 24th and 25th, Esther Hall organized a two-day outdoor program in Guangzhou. The program aims to encourage more STU female students to go off campus, broaden their horizons, improve physical fitness and develop courage and perseverance through outdoor training and experiential learning.

(Group photo)



The team head to the Guangdong Provincial Museum which is opposite the Canton Tower in the first place. It is hard to imagine that such a finite amount of space actually contains lots of great heritage - Chaoshan wood carvings that are bright with local color, seasons paintings that are in tune with seasons, and jade wares that are skillfully crafted.




Just as the museums architecture design philosophy, it is like a treasure box with abundant treasure that long to be uncover...


The team then we arrive at the Guangzhou Sunac Snow Park, the largest ski resort in South China.


Participants have once suffered a fall and setback without exception during the skiing, yet no one has shrunk back. They take the first step bravely and gather themselves up again and again. They focus on the ski board and move forward determinedly in the snow-white world, taking pleasure in the thrill and excitement that come with astonishing speed. They conquer fear and go beyond the comfort zone, preparing themselves for new challenges.


Paying attention to what you are doing and discarding the negative thoughts of unallowable, unable and incapable, what matters is to take the first step and never set limits on what you can or cannot do. 


Mind to Share - Board Role-playing Game

If I were Li Zhihui


On October 31, 20 boys and girls in Shantou University played a board game on gender discrimination. Li Zhihui's Survival Game, a South Korean role-playing board game, is the debut work of a 28-year-old female game designer. The game is designed to get more people to experience the visible and invisible difficulties that confront an ordinary woman throughout her life.



(During the game)


During the game, students discussed and made choices around various scenarios and problems, and experienced the life of Li Zhihui.



(Discussion Section)


Like this game, different stages in life will have various challenges and barriers. I hope all people, men or women, can follow their inner voice and live life to the fullest.


No one should set limits on their lives. Go ahead to try the new and vibrant things!


Esther Hall will continue to organize more wonderful events. See you in November!


Esther Hall
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