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Review | SHE · POWER | Her Kart Racing Experience

Sources of information:淑德女子书院 Release date:2021-11-02 Number of readings:times

Speed, racing, steering... These words may seem distant from our daily lives, but when we put on a racing suit and helmet, and step on the gas, we find that we can forge ahead fearlessly on the racetrack. The wind is the engine, our heart is the engine, the left atrium houses the courage and the right atrium with boldness.


(Group photo of Kart Racing Experience)

On October 22, Esther Hall held a go-kart racing, where we embarked on a new adventure and redefined life without limits. 



(Teachers and students listening carefully)

(Event host)  

Message from the Dean

(Dean Choi Ying-fai, Esther Hall)


   Modern education emphasizes developing students' all-round ability in areas such as morals, intelligence, physical fitness, work and aesthetics, in which physical education is one of the indispensable links. The go-kart racing held by Esther Hall would bring students the fun of sports and the excitement of go-kart. The dean said that the event would be a new and unforgettable experience for her and the students. In addition, she hoped students would find their enthusiasm in sports, cultivate their perseverance, maintain the greatest degree of curiosity, get out of their comfort zone, dare to try different things, constantly break the limits, and achieve a better self thereof.

(explanation and demonstration by coaches  on-site )


On the surface go-kart is simple, rather difficult. There are many tricks and skills on how to drive well, including the courage to step on the gas pedal and the alertness to control the vehicle astute. One can only realize the unique charm of driving go-kart from the personal experience.


(Starting preparation)


Taking the fastest lap of all laps as the final result means that participants compare their progress only with their past performance rather than with the performance of others. Therefore, they would not let their guard down and would hold on straight to the end.


(photos in the competition)

Participants are all concentrated on speeding the kart and alert to come around the corner. They forget the pain of knuckles until the roaring sound of the engine died down and the car stopped at the finish line Looking back at the track, the inner voice of infirmity has disappeared long before the moment of stepping on the gas pedal.


(Students after the game)



The first person who crosses the line is the winner of the competition! The top eight drivers will be on starting grid, which means that they need to deal with the tension and excitement of the competition on the one hand, and see their chance to overtake and minimize the time to turn corners on the other hand.

Players need to give full play to the functions of the accelerator, brake and steering wheel by knowing how to avoid possible collisions while daring to step on the accelerator. Players are not only expected to possess extreme courage and spunk, but also calmness and flexibility.


(Group photo of the eight finalists)

(Group photo of the three finalists)

We should have the courage to try new things and to make changes. We should never say never to ourselves and never put limits on ourselves, because we have infinite possibilities.

 What SHE Says

Thoughts on kart racing experience activities

Lai Haipeng: I used to see racing cars speeding over the race track, and this time I personally experienced the tension and excitement. I believe we should expose ourselves to as many new and different experiences as possible in daily life, constantly challenging and pushing the limits.

Pang Jing: I put aside my fear in the race and focus on accelerating and constantly surpassing my limits. So similarly, we should never set limits to our lives, but rather go beyond ourselves. This is Life Without Limits.

Wang Fang: Novelty and curiosity drive people to try new things. Don't be defeated by fear and uncertainty. Likewise, never confine yourself to hearsay, but discover your potential by personal experience.


In fact, the so-called limits of life are not imposed on us by others, but more often are the shackles we put on ourselves. Because of the shilly-shally in our hearts, we lost the opportunity to know the different dimensions of ourselves. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, it's better to step on the gas pedal and push through the limits like you're in a go-kart, leaving your inner self-doubt behind. 



Esther Hall
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